The Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry is one of the pivotal departments in the college, as it is concerned with teaching various disciplines of pharmaceutical chemistry, including organic chemistry, analytical chemistry, and quality control. Which sheds light on the methods of preparing, manufacturing, innovating and improving the drug in the laboratory. This field focuses on drug design based on the use of the latest molecular modeling programs and technology transfer from theoretical design to practical application of drug formulation and pharmaceutical product testing.


The department aspires to be a major center of knowledge of pharmaceutical chemistry and its branches and practical applications, through innovation and development in teaching and research services.


The department's mission is to provide learning experiences based on best educational practices for all students and to give comprehensive information in the field of applied pharmaceutical chemistry that supports the design and development of new drugs and drugs as well as analytical methods for these drugs in addition to the application of this information in daily life.

The courses taught by the department:

علم العقاقير



النواتج الطبيعية والطب البديل

Natural Products & Alternative Medicine


علم العقاقير الطبي
